–Guest Post By Ben Gilmore
I am truly optimistic about our society. Everything around us is SHOUTING for us to focus on the corruption, graft, lies … (evil!) around us. Though not living in denial of reality, I am choosing to focus upon those things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely.
American citizens are in a war for the soul of their nation and her founding principles. In war, battles are often won by those who refuse to give up! I believe God is not asking, “How many times were you knocked down?â€Â  I believe He is asking, “Did you get up the last time?â€
Remember – Various media attempt to picture you in a society that is unlike much of the rest of the nation. We should respond by highlighting America’s exceptionalism and her virtues. Use the positive as a foundation for sudden and relentless reform!!!
I agree – It appears unlikely that our ship-of-state stays afloat, much less gets repaired and restored WITHOUT an outpouring of the Holy Spirit across America.
Let us not be caught with our eyes focused upon the situation exclusive of God’s hand in human events.
- Are there indeed Americans humbly admitting to God that we deserve justice over mercy – Yes, I believe there are.
- Are there American individuals and groups in prayer for our nation? — Yes, I believe there are.
- Are there Americans honestly seeking the Lord’s specific direction for their actions? – Yes, I believe there are.
- Are there Americans turning from their individual besetting sins in an effort to see God’s hand at work? – Yes, I believe there are.
Does 2nd Chronicles 7:14 (above) apply today? —
- Yes, I believe our corporate prayers will be heard.
- Yes, I believe our individual and corporate sins will be forgiven.
- Yes, I believe the gracious Lord will indeed heal our land!!!
Why do I believe so unlikely (appearing) future? I respond, “How big is your God?â€
(Article Continues Below)
Moses, in the wilderness, interceded for his people, “Lord, If you wipe is out in the wilderness, It will make you look like an intolerant god, to the watching Egyptians (the world).â€Â And God repented. Proving that He prefers mercy over justice when there is proper prayer. The Bible book of Judges offers many similar examples.
America is the first civil government in all of human history to have been purposely founded upon sound Biblical principles. If the failure of her citizens to honor those principles is, allowed to cause our national failure – The world will assume that Biblical principles of Christian Self-Government are not sufficient to sustain civil government. All that the Hand of God has invested in America, as an illustration to the world, will be lost!!!
“Forbid it Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.â€