Are you discouraged about the mid-term 2006 federal elections? Is this a sign of the end of America?
Only if you believe our salvation is in a human political party! It is not!
I believe that God had a plan when a group of desperate Pilgrims got on that boat, the Mayflower and floated to the new world. It was not a plan that can easily be thwarted by the plans of man.
God is not afraid. He is not in heaven, pulling out His hair saying “oh no! Now what will I ever do?”
One day when I was praying I had a wild image come into my being. It was a brief but very real, almost memory like moment. I could see Godly men from the founding of our nation praying like mad that somehow God would allow them to fulfill His purposes.
I do not believe that God has forgotten those prayers!
Somehow I have gotten into my innermost parts a deep conviction that God still wants to do something with America. I have wept, cried out, and sought God to know His Heart and Plan.
My message to Americans is this: We must not give up, and we must not put our hopes in political parties! We must not get discouraged and write our nation off and disengage! We MUST stay involved! We MUST pray! We MUST participate (but not put our hope) in political parties. We have got to persevere and prevail so that when the Son of Man returns, He will indeed find faith in the earth!