(Ford Motor Company operates all of these brand names in addition to Ford)
No, I do not hate homosexuals. I don’t consider myself better than someone who wants to call them self a homosexual.
I am deeply troubled by a homosexual activist political agenda that would want to persecute people who don’t believe homosexuality is ok.
It is very interesting to me that the story seems to be “what is wrong with religious nuts who hate homosexuals.” There doesn’t seem to be as much in the mainstream media about “homosexual nuts who hate people who disagree with them.”
Isn’t it ok to disagree? I don’t hate homosexuals. I do not promote violence against someone who claims to be a homosexual. If I met someone who claimed to be a homosexual, I don’t believe I would treat them as anything other than human. In fact, I have not mistreated the few people I have known that identified themselves as gay.
But I do disagree with claims that homosexuality is genetic. I do disagree with claims that it is morally ok. There are a lot of other things I consider immoral as well, and that does not mean I hate someone if they disagree with me or practice the immoral behavior. It is clear that some would believe that I am immoral because I believe homosexuality to be a cruel tortuous bondage for any human being involved with it! Do they hate me if they disagree with me?
If we are trying to tolerate one another, shouldn’t we also tolerate each others beliefs? No one has to agree with me, but don’t I have a right to my opinion? And why can’t I have an opinion without being told that my disagreement is “hate?”
Our culture is going a strange way. If I disagree then I “hate.” Very weird.
That is why I am joining the movement to Boycott Ford for their role in promoting the “homosexual activist” agenda. My main concern is not with what homosexuals are doing in their lives. My main concern is this: maintaining Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience!