I just saw a fascinating quote in a video that I am watching. The author of the quote is Sören Lövtrup, and it is taken from his book called Darwinism : The Refutation of a Myth.
“I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will post the question: How did this ever happen?”
Sören Lövtrup
I don’t know what Lövtrup’s theories about the origins of life or species are, but I love that quote. 🙂
I found a website that has one page of a review about the book here: http://sysbio.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pdf_extract/37/1/80 This review says that Lövtrup’s book covers some of the history of evolutionary theory, including history that predates Darwin. I think I would like to read it but it seems to be pretty rare.