Clearly there’s more to the Obama monomania than vapid rhetoric. Blatant deception is integral to his appeal. He speaks of unity and no hyphenated Americans, but his Senate votes clash with his message. The man promising change is anything but a moderate. This particular “rock star,” like so many others, is a left-winger…
The Human Right of Self Defense and the UN’s Small Arms Ban
Here is an article about the right to self defense and the United Nations: Is there a human right to defend oneself against a violent attacker? Is there an individual right to arms under international law? Conversely, are governments guilty of human rights violations if they do not enact strict gun control laws? The United…
Child’s Rights to Marriage of His Parents
Dr. Pat Fagan explores the idea that children have a right to the marriage of their parents.
Long odds don’t faze Huckabee – Los Angeles Times The former Arkansas governor says he’s determined to keep the faith and stay in the race. It’s just what he’s used to.
Federal Court Rules Against Christian Student A federal district court judge in California has decided that statements about sexual orientation, if not “positive” in nature, can be restricted by public schools.
Irresponsible Environmentalism
Steve Forbes said: There’s nothing more dangerous than amateur environmentalists (like Al Gore) creating worldwide panic through ignorance and misinformation that is gulped down by other gullible amateur environmentalists.
Does McCain Really Have The GOP Nomination Locked?
Me? I still believe Huckabee could win this thing. It is not as “over” as some are trying to say. Yes, McCain has a commanding lead, but stranger things have happened. Check out this analysis from Regardless of what the PAs, the PZ’s and the THP’s say, all bets are off and anything can…
Still Going
From Huckabee says he realizes the numbers are against him — Romney won 286 delegates, and Huckabee has won 217. Add Romney’s delegates to McCain’s, and it gives the Arizona senator a 899-delegate lead and puts him 75 away from the number needed to be the nominee. But Huckabee said you can’t assume that…
Trouble in DeKalb
I was born in DeKalb, Illinois and grew up in Sycamore – the neighboring town. We ate lots of corn in the summer where I lived. I worked for the DeKalb Ag in the Corn Fields “de-tassling” corn when I was in Junior High. I have spent many days at the campus of Northern Illinois…
Mao offered the U.S. 10 million women
“You know, China is a very poor country,” Mao said, according to a document released by the State Department’s historian office. “We don’t have much. What we have in excess is women. So if you want them we can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands.”