–Guest Post By Ben Gilmore I am truly optimistic about our society. Everything around us is SHOUTING for us to focus on the corruption, graft, lies … (evil!) around us. Though not living in denial of reality, I am choosing to focus upon those things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely. American citizens…
Tag: Inspiration
What is the Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God is NOT: A physical nation on earth A coalition of nations A church Any man made organization Any territory labeled “Christendom” Western Civilization How do I know it is not these things? Jesus said in Luke 17:20-21 “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See…
Looking for Heroes
Why are we so moved by legends such as Robin Hood? Because we long to see someone who is strong and able who will stand up for what is right even at the risk of their own life and limb. We want them to win. We watch our heroes fly through the air, arrows flying,…
Embrace Life – Creative Solutions to Real Issues
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: http://freedomthirst.com/embrace-life-video/ I don’t know anything about the guy who made this video, but I love to see creative and inspirational solutions. This is far more moving and inspirational than attempts to control people. The principle behind this video (creative and beautiful inspiration as opposed to…
Call2All America – Video
Watch at Call2All Media
Why “Go to Church?”
I am supposed to “go to church.” Good Christians do. The problem is I’ve been bored sick with the messages I hear at any church for years now. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy feeling bad about that. I suspect that this expenditure of heart resources has been a waste – maybe I…
A Christian View of History
The Christian view about world history is pretty remarkable. The Bible actually runs a genealogy back to the first human being! The Bible tracks from Adam to Noah, and then after Noah to all the people groups in the ancient world. This is a pretty amazing claim. Watch almost any contemporary movie dealing with something…
Remembering the Faithful
Colorado Christians remember those who died at the hands of a shooter on December 9th. This highlight video is about 13 minutes long. Source: God Tube
First Year
Well, I’ve been blogging for almost a year now. I’ve learned a lot! About me: I don’t know as much as I thought I did. I knew I didn’t know as much as I thought I knew, but now I know I knew even less than that! (Say that ten times while drunk). I’m a…