I just heard a news report that President Bush has “demanded” that Russia ceases it’s attack against Georgia, a sovereign democracy.
But will we back that demand?
My understanding is that Georgia has reformed their government, attracted international investment, been a loyal U.S. ally in Iraq (fighting along side of us!), aspired to join NATO, aspired to join the European Union, and been all around favorable and very loyal to it’s friend, the United States of America.
So… Will we stand by and watch as – under the cover of the Olympics, the end of an American Presidency, American disillusionment with the Iraq War, and a general distaste amongst Americans of involving ourselves – Russia makes a move to assert itself as a world power by trampling on the rights of a free people?
I wonder, can liberty survive in the world as long as we are willing to accept the demise of our friends? What message do we send to Georgia and the rest of the world if we desert Georgia, thus stating that there is no benefit in friendship with the American People?
I am watching and learning. I hope to gain greater understanding of the conflict between Georgia and it’s more powerful neighbor, Russia.
I am not impressed with Russia. The Russian government is displaying yet again that they are not Friends of Liberty.
So what are we going to do about it?
I am very concerned.
Will the West stand? Or have we already collapsed inside?