I just saw a fascinating quote in a video that I am watching. The author of the quote is Sören Lövtrup, and it is taken from his book called Darwinism : The Refutation of a Myth. “I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science….
Author: Jon
Citizenlink on Health Care Reform
Watch at Citizenlink.org
Oregon Gone Wild
In a “brilliant” move the State of Oregon (my former home) has apparently implemented a tax increase in response to state budget shortfalls. Idaho, claiming to be more business friendly, has issued an invitation for businesses in Oregon to move to Idaho! Sounds like a backfire! It will be interesting to see if companies actually…
Obama Caught Lip Syncing a Speech
Watch at The Onion
Looking for Heroes
Why are we so moved by legends such as Robin Hood? Because we long to see someone who is strong and able who will stand up for what is right even at the risk of their own life and limb. We want them to win. We watch our heroes fly through the air, arrows flying,…
Embrace Life – Creative Solutions to Real Issues
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: http://freedomthirst.com/embrace-life-video/ I don’t know anything about the guy who made this video, but I love to see creative and inspirational solutions. This is far more moving and inspirational than attempts to control people. The principle behind this video (creative and beautiful inspiration as opposed to…
What’s going on in Illinois Primary for Governor?
I’ve had a terrible time finding info on the results from the Illinois Governors Primary. Pat Quinn won for the Democrats while the race between Brady and Dillard (Republicans) is still close. Brady is up by 406 votes and tomorrow is an important day for absentee ballots. It looks like Brady is going to win…
The Returns on the Tebow Ad – Focus on the Family Video
Focus on the Family gets massive internet response to the Tebow Pro Life Ad: Watch at Citizenlink.org