Is America a Christian Nation? Does America have a Christian Heritage and History? Barack Obama says America is not a Christian Nation. People are offended. I have found this to be an almost impossible conversation to have because it is rarely established in a conversation what is meant by “Christian Nation.” Each side means something…
Tag: America’s Christian Heritage
Patrick Henry on Religion and Freedom
Patrick Henry once said: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here.”
The Institutions of Church and State
Austin Cline writes at Austin’s Atheism Blog: There are a couple of serious flaws with Ramundo‘s argument here. First, no one seriously argues that many of America’s founders had strong religious beliefs. What is argued is, first, they weren’t always motivated by religious beliefs that were identical to the beliefs of conservative evangelical Christians today…
America the Beautiful – Does the Dream Live?
If this video is not working watch here: From CitizenLink
Christian Nation?
I just posted this comment over at It always amazes me that anyone would question the historic Christian Heritage of the United States of America. Have all the behaviors of this nation been Christian? No. Have all of its citizens been professing Christians? No. Has the Christian Religion been the greatest single contributor to…
Is there hope for America?
For as long as I can remember there has been a generally negative attitude towards America in the world of Christians as I have known it. “Judgment is inevitable.” “America is not in the book of Revelation, therefore it must be going to be destroyed before those events take place.” “The problem with the church…