My friend Ben just wrote an article referring to Sunday’s Health Care “reform” vote. It is posted at Go read it, and then check out the seminars and online course that he offers. Here is a sample: One of the things that make tomorrow (Sunday March 21st, 2010) one of those “moments†will never…
Tag: Big Government
Prayer for Freedom
I believe with deep sincerity that the current health care legislation that may be voted on Sunday would be a disaster if passed into law. I believe this legislation is immoral. I believe that as long as American Christians do not recognize the serious threat that Statism presents to Freedom, America will continue to elect…
Citizenlink on Health Care Reform
Watch at
Oregon Gone Wild
In a “brilliant” move the State of Oregon (my former home) has apparently implemented a tax increase in response to state budget shortfalls. Idaho, claiming to be more business friendly, has issued an invitation for businesses in Oregon to move to Idaho! Sounds like a backfire! It will be interesting to see if companies actually…
State of the Union Talking Points
Watch at
Honking at Congress
If the Citizenlink Video is not working watch here:
Wisdom From the Past – The State is Not the Answer If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: Hat tip to Matthew Burke at The Freedom Post where I first saw this video.
How to Confront Oppressive Nations – Reagan Tells Gorbachev to “Tear Down This Wall” If the Youtube Video is not working watch here:
So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt…
I remember the old Keith Green song “so you wanna go back to Egypt, where it’s dry and secure….” The children of Israel were marching across the desert to meet their destiny in a new land. They had left their slave master Egyptians behind. When times got hard, they forgot about the horrors of their…
Tea Parties? If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: I haven’t been a participant in the Tea Party Movement, although I’ve watched it from a distance with some curiosity. I figure anything that can stir up so much ire from the more liberal thinking crowd must be doing something right. The one thing…