A Canadian judge is due to decide this week whether to renew a temporary injunction against Winnipeg’s Grace General Hospital, whose doctors want to detach an 84-year-old Orthodox Jew from a respirator and hasten his death, against his family’s wishes. “Prof. Shimon Glick, a leading Israeli medical ethics expert and former dean of Ben-Gurion University’s…
Tag: Big Government
Huckabee on Generosity and Small Government
According to Mike Huckabee the answer to poverty and suffering is helping one’s neighbor as opposed to huge government. “Let’s remember, every time the government gives something to us, they first have to take something from us.†Continuing, he said, “I would love to see a day … when we did such an incredible job…
Christian Responsibility Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Government is the Solution
Bruce Walker at Americanthinker.com has some thoughts about how Christian Duty does not necessarily mean government is the best solution to problems. His emphasis is on individual responsibility, not government action. I don’t know if I agree with everything he says, and I don’t know if he has gotten Mike Huckabee down correctly, but I…
From Freedom to Government Managment
In a column by Henry Lamb, he says, “Without freedom, America cannot prosper – and may not survive.” For over 200 years, America flourished with Freedom. However, the government became the manager, which began limiting freedom, little by little. What do we get as a result? This commentary answers that question. Government decides how much…
Canadian Brand Socialism: Failing the Sick and Poor
Is Canadian Socialized Medical Care so Great? Read This Article at Pajamas Media.
German Court: Homeschooling is ‘child endangerment’
Alright. Here is an interesting case. Germany has outlawed homeschooling, and they have literally been willing to fine people, take away custody of their children, etc. What is going on here?
Televangelists invesitgated by Congress for having lots of money
Ok. So we all can have our opinion about how much money a minster should make, but why in the world is Congress investigating these guys? It sounds like some in Congress have really lost their way and don’t understand what they are supposed to be doing.
A Big Pickle
I just read this article on CNN.com: http://us.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/11/terrorist.surveillance.ap/index.html I am not sure what to do with what is going on in the area of “surveillance” and “intelligence gathering.” The issue is so politicized and those who would do anything to see George W. Bush fail have seized on the issue to try and make him…
Christians and the Environment
I think the “environmentalist” movement has in some ways been “hijacked” by a socialist economic and social agenda. Business is bad. Government control is the only solution. Believe our version of what is best for the environment or you must be a “big oil, big business, anti-environment” individual. What if I am enthusiastically in favor…
Is Barack Obama a Christian?
Here is yet another comment I posted over at CNN.com in response to an article about Barack Obama stating that Republicans don’t own “faith.” It does not matter what “faith” a person claims to be a part of. It matters what policies one advances. It matters what character a candidate lives. On Social and Moral…