Republicans (and others) would like to see Barack Obama be a one term President. Will this happen? I don’t know. Maybe. Hopefully. But I do NOT feel like I can depend on American voters to throw him out based on principle. It is really a matter of luck. If people feel that the economy is…
Tag: Civil Government
The Destructive Power of Government “Help”
I would rather have freedom in God than “help” from the government. God please make me strong enough to stand before You and not before the governments of man! From The reservation Indian is becoming less self-sufficient and more dependent upon what he calls “the Great White Father in Washington.†Instead of freedom, the…
Illinois Home Schooling Bill Tabled — But Fight Far From Over –
From “The effort of home schooling registration by the state is a government ‘solution’ for a problem that doesn’t exist,” he said. “Study after study shows that home-schoolers consistently outperform the rest of the country in basic skill sets.”
The Tyranny of High Taxes
From “‘Giving $700 billion to the wealthiest people in America … does not create jobs,’ said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California. There must be a ‘tax cut for middle-income people in this country. … That is what we send to the (negotiating) table.’” So… Why would the current congress pass this bill in…
The Nastiest Election Ever? Really? If the Youtube Video is not working watch here:
Covert False Righteousness
From “If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.” This is a true statement. I am applying it right now to Biblical Worldview. If you don’t have a comprehensive Biblical Worldview you will be easily be deceived by the various ungodly agendas in the world. One of the most common forms of…
Is it Time to Impeach Some Federal Judges?
I have often considered that one of the necessary steps to restoring liberty in America may be to impeach and remove federal judges who have blatantly made up fiction about things allegedly in the constitution. (For example, the recent case of Judge Vaughn Walker and “gay marriage.”) Carson Holloway of The Public Discourse argues persuasively…
Christianity is the Source of Civil Liberty
“The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles, which enjoins humility, piety and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free Constitutions of…
America – Christian Nation?
Is America a Christian Nation? Does America have a Christian Heritage and History? Barack Obama says America is not a Christian Nation. People are offended. I have found this to be an almost impossible conversation to have because it is rarely established in a conversation what is meant by “Christian Nation.” Each side means something…
The Institutions of Church and State
Austin Cline writes at Austin’s Atheism Blog: There are a couple of serious flaws with Ramundo‘s argument here. First, no one seriously argues that many of America’s founders had strong religious beliefs. What is argued is, first, they weren’t always motivated by religious beliefs that were identical to the beliefs of conservative evangelical Christians today…