A fellow blogger over at Forgotten Liberty has suggested an “emergency Co2 emitting day” in response to the current chill. Since scientists tell us (although the raw data appears to be missing) that increases in CO2 emissions is causing the Earth to warm, it should make sense that if we all started emitting more CO2,…
Tag: Climate Change
Global Warming Co2 Scam?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwCqbzM-g_I If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: http://freedomthirst.com/global-warming-co2-scam-video/
Climate Change Skeptics
From Onenewsnow.com: “What we are trying to accomplish with this conference is to present to the politicians and to the public that the debate is not over about global warming or climate change; that there is plenty of room for disagreement; and that sound science shows that the earth is not warming,” says Miller. “For…
Global Warming Doomsday – Cancelled
This video is 44 minutes long and presents some though provoking ideas and information about the Human Caused Global Warming Myth: http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/CBC%20-%20Global%20Warming%20Doomsday%20Called%20Off.flv You can also watch this video at google video or youtube. Original Source: CBC Canada If you like this video, make sure you watch this one as well.