I know that I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. So the question remains, can I vote for John McCain? Will I be joining James Dobson and others in voting for a third party or withholding my vote completely? (Read More from James Dobson) I am still searching. From WND.com: Like our mutual…
Tag: Election 2008
2008 Election Results Accidentally Released Early
Important Election Coverage here at Freedomthirst.com: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=29170400 From The Onion on Myspace
Mike Huckabee Update
I am not sure what the future holds for Mike Huckabee but he has now been thrust into the national eye and has an opportunity to be an influential leader in the grassroots realm. I will be watching where he goes with things, whether or not he runs for office of any kind again, and…
Ron Paul to End Active Campaigning
Well, I am back in the USA! I feel closer to what is going on with the upcoming presidential election. I never had time to write about Huckabee pulling out of the race. I just read that Ron Paul pulled out – although if you watch the video on my post here you will see…
Obama and Abortion
Reason #1 why I cannot vote for Barack Obama to be President of the United States — He believes that the murder of unborn children should be legal. The next president is likely to be appointing one or more Supreme Court Justices. I cannot vote for someone who will continue to put the lives of…
Where Was Barack Obama?
Did Barack Obama not know about Al-Qaeda in Iraq? Where has he been? From CNN.com: “I always reserve the right for the president … to make sure that we are looking out for American interests,” Obama said. “And if al Qaeda is forming a base in Iraq, then we will have to act in a…
An Important Election Analysis from the Fredzone
The Fredzone: My opinion on the terror guys is that they need a hobby to keep them busy. If they had gotten legos when they were little they wouldn’t be trying to build bombs now.
The Day Socialism Comes to America
Joseph Farah Quotes Norman Thomas in his article at WorldNetDaily.com about socialism coming to America: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” — Norman…
Huckabee Keeps at it in Texas
KPRC TV reports on Huckabee in Houston: “I think Texas has the chance to say something pretty loud,” Huckabee said. He told supporters at the Renaissance Hotel in southwest Houston that his conservative views are just what the country needs to get back on track. The former Arkansas governor said that he can still win,…