Ok. I really have my eyes on Mike Huckabee for president. Here are a couple of articles about him rising in the polls. Huckabee outrunning his GOP companions Huckabee’s Bid for the Christian Right Some say he is not conservative enough on issues like taxes, although he does support the “Fair Tax.” I am personally…
Tag: Election 2008
Is Barack Obama a Christian?
Here is yet another comment I posted over at CNN.com in response to an article about Barack Obama stating that Republicans don’t own “faith.” It does not matter what “faith” a person claims to be a part of. It matters what policies one advances. It matters what character a candidate lives. On Social and Moral…
More on Fred Thompson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXcksXN_W7s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXcksXN_W7s
Fred Thompson has my attention! Consider him.
I was inspired by this man and his thoughts. What do you think of Fred Thompson for President? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3159570904069596210&hl=en
I like people that still have hope!
Brave Man! McCain: I am going to Iraq on Monday (CNN)Normally VIP visits to Iraq are kept under wraps, at least until the day of the trip. But Senator John McCain Friday night said he’s going to Iraq next week. Responding to a question in Chicago about whether the Iraq strategy… (photo from JohnMcCain.com and…
Is McCain going to drop out of the race?
Now that would be an interesting development if McCain dropped out because he couldn’t raise enough money to keep running! I haven’t decided who to vote for yet. I’ve got my eye on Mike Huckabee; I am curious about Fred Thompson; I am not sure about Mitt Romney; and I am also interested in Sam…
Eloquent Defense of “God Created” at Republican Debate
“The rest of the field was more or less forgettable, with the exception of Mike Huckabee and his response to the question about evolution. Huckabee took what could have been a difficult question for some and turned it into an eloquent defense of his belief in God which I suspect resonated with a great number…
Hmmm. What about Mike Huckabee for President?
Press Release: Mike Huckabee Beats Out Republican Field In Fairtax Poll Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Houston, TX – Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee beat out his Republican challengers in a recent FairTax poll on tax reform. With 42% of the vote, Huckabee was seen as the candidate who presented the most effective and comprehensive plan…
The Next President
Who is going to win this next Presidential Election? Oh My! Poll: Liberals moving toward Clinton; GOP race tightens – CNN.com