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Tag: Elections
NARAL says McCain/Palin is radically Pro-Life
NARAL opposes McCain/Palin because they are too Pro-Life. Sounds like a good reason to vote for them to me! 🙂 Read about it at the HuffingtonPost: “Today, NARAL Pro-Choice America launched the first in its series of web videos that shows America just how extreme and radical the McCain-Palin ticket is when it comes to…
Voting for John McCain? – Almost Certain Now
Well friends, I am almost 95% sure now that I will be voting for John McCain. Here are some great words from James Dobson at whose sentiments I agree with: “It’s probably obvious which of the two major candidates’ views are most palatable to those of us who embrace a pro-life, pro-family worldview,” he…
Vice Presidential Debate Watch on youtube
Stop Barack Obama Watch on Youtube
Debate Number 1 Watch on youtube
Presidential Voter’s Guide
I you are a Conservative Christian you may find this voter’s guide to be very helpful: It is from Wallbuilders and is based on certain issues that are important to Conservative Christian’s. Make sure you vote! You will need Adobe Reader (free) to view the document.
Abortion Survivor Opposes Obama
I remember in the late 80’s and early 90’s realizing that one day we would be hearing the testimonies of adults who had survived abortions. The young lady in the video above is just such a person. Barack Obama has opposed by his votes the protection of children born alive when an abortion goes wrong….
We must stop the murder of the innocent
I just read an article by Pat Buchanan at I urge everyone to read it and carefully consider what he has to say: Pat Buchanan “This election is America’s last hope to reverse Roe v. Wade. Upon its outcome will rest the life, or death, of millions of unborn children. The great social cause…