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Tag: George W. Bush
My Memory of Presidents
A nation disillusioned with Watergate says “we want change” and throws out Gerald Ford in exchange for Jimmy Carter That Jimmy Carter thing was a mess. The nation said “we want change” and threw him out. Enter Ronald Reagan. After 4 years of Ronald Reagan we kept him. Things are looking up. We’re standing up…
Honoring President Bush
From Much, far too much, has been made about President Bush straining or destroying our alliances. However, if one actually looks at what has happened, you can tell that the opposite has happened.
Not In Vain
I watched a couple hours of discussion on CSPAN yesterday including much analysis on why Our Nation must remain in Iraq. The discussion also included extensive thoughts on how much faster Iraq is reconciling politically then other nations in history. Northern Ireland was mentioned as an example. When I read my history book it seems…
President Bush Defends Freedom of Speech posted a story about President Bush defending free speech rights by opposing the “Fairness Doctrine.” I found the article interesting for two reasons. First, so many have tried to paint President Bush as “anti civil liberties.” Here is a great example of him defending a very important one. Second, I am so glad Al…
George W. Bush Delighted in Scientific Progress with Stem Cell Research
A recent White House Press Release shows excitement about Stem Cell Research Progress done without the destroying of Human Embryos. Thank God we have a President who stood up and did what was right about Stem Cell Research, and now this has been an incentive to promote the success of alternative research!
Democrats Go Insane
I keep hearing that 60 whatever percent of Americans are “against” the war in Iraq. The Democratic Party has taken this as a mandate to immediately begin withdrawing troops from Iraq. They need George W. Bush to fail. They need him to fail so that they can regain power in Washington D.C. This is so…