On April 20th* April 13th (Sunday) at 8:00pm (ET) Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will participate in a forum on faith and values at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. It will be broadcast live on CNN. John McCain has been invited as well but has so far declined. The event has been called The Compassion…
Tag: Hillary Clinton
McCain Confronts Irresponsible Calls to Pull Out of Iraq
From CNN.com: http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/JohnMcCainonIraq472008.flv Watch this video and read the article at the source – CNN.com If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton get elected, I don’t believe that they will quickly pull American Troops out of Iraq. Either they already know better, or they very quickly will know better. They may oversee a gradual reduction,…
A Conservative Desperately Endorses John McCain
One of the main issues I will be considering as I decide whether or not I can vote for John McCain will be the Supreme Court. On his website, McCain claims to have a philosophy of appointing strict constructionist judges. If this turns out to be true it will be a major boost of my…
Can We Vote for John McCain?
I know that I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. So the question remains, can I vote for John McCain? Will I be joining James Dobson and others in voting for a third party or withholding my vote completely? (Read More from James Dobson) I am still searching. From WND.com: Like our mutual…
An Important Election Analysis from the Fredzone
The Fredzone: My opinion on the terror guys is that they need a hobby to keep them busy. If they had gotten legos when they were little they wouldn’t be trying to build bombs now.
The Day Socialism Comes to America
Joseph Farah Quotes Norman Thomas in his article at WorldNetDaily.com about socialism coming to America: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” — Norman…
Who do you want?
Ok Friends, out of everyone who is left, who do you want to be president of the United States? Please vote in my poll on the right side of the page here. I’ll admit it, I am still pulling for Huckabee! 🙂 ThirstyJon
Huckabee Beats Hillary By Widest Margin
Huckabee and the other top 5 Republicans would beat Hillary Clinton in a nationwide election according to this Zogby poll.