“‘My friends, any objective observer today would have to suspend disbelief to know that it’s not working,’ McCain said. ‘It is working and it’s working successfully, and the people of Iraq are far better off now than when we began this.’”
Tag: News Commentary
Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories
Richard Miniter debunks Conspiracy Theories about 911 and discusses why they linger. “‘Why do conspiracy theories keep sprouting?’ Persico asks. ‘Neat, suspenseful plots create high drama, while the truth is often messy, contradictory, even dull.’”
Is Governor Huckabee Actually Strong on Immigration?
A Pro-Huckabee Blogger “strikes back” at those who claim he is weak on immigration. The article also contains some links and videos that you may find useful.
George W. Bush Delighted in Scientific Progress with Stem Cell Research
A recent White House Press Release shows excitement about Stem Cell Research Progress done without the destroying of Human Embryos. Thank God we have a President who stood up and did what was right about Stem Cell Research, and now this has been an incentive to promote the success of alternative research!
Huckabee Beats Hillary By Widest Margin
Huckabee and the other top 5 Republicans would beat Hillary Clinton in a nationwide election according to this Zogby poll.
Canadian Brand Socialism: Failing the Sick and Poor
Is Canadian Socialized Medical Care so Great? Read This Article at Pajamas Media.
Rick Calhoun Endorses Mike Huckabee
Rick Calhoun is the former Chairman of the Arkansas Eagle Forum.