Author: Jon
Could this unpopular war still be right?
I just read an interesting blog standing up for the Iraq war in some ways. You can read it at Here is a quote from David Anderson at There is hope. Victory is not a dream; it is an objective we have to work to obtain. Unfortunately, it will take many more tears…
The World Upside Down
Feel bad about yourself, go weeping down the aisle at church, pray a prayer. Stop smoking, get a haircut, buy some new clothes, start ushering at church, and for heaven’s sake tithe! But… Is that it? Is that why Jesus came? So that people can go to Heaven and start shaving their beards and taking…
Is the government a problem?
My friend Eddie wrote an interesting blog about the Democrat Party and Government Programs. You should check it out! The American Scratchpad – Participation Required Somehow, the failure of 90 years of generally overwhelming democratic rule becomes the responsibility of a government hundreds of miles away that has no responsibility for the city to begin…
Should Westerners fund non-Western missionaries?
My heart goes out to those brother’s in the world who lack resources and I hope we are always generous with brother’s and sister’s in Christ. But let us also consider the strategic issues and consequences of creating churches and ministers in other countries that are dependent on the west! Glenn Penner writes on the…
Fred Thompson has my attention! Consider him.
I was inspired by this man and his thoughts. What do you think of Fred Thompson for President?
Let’s Persevere
We must finish what we started! WASHINGTON (CNN) — Maintaining security in Diyala province north of Baghdad will be impossible if U.S. troops are withdrawn from Iraq, according to a U.S. senior ground commander there. “We obviously cannot maintain that if the forces are withdrawn — and that would be a very, very bad idea,…
Clash of Civilizations
I just read this article. (CNN) — In a newly released videotaped message similar to a “fireside chat,” al Qaeda’s second-in-command issues advice and directives for the Muslim world, terrorism expert Laura Mansfield said Wednesday. Al Qaeda’s second-in-command Alman al-Zawahiri urges Muslims around the world to continue their fight against the West. In the one-hour,…
Boycott Ford?
(Ford Motor Company operates all of these brand names in addition to Ford) No, I do not hate homosexuals. I don’t consider myself better than someone who wants to call them self a homosexual. I am deeply troubled by a homosexual activist political agenda that would want to persecute people who don’t believe homosexuality is…
I like people that still have hope!
Brave Man! McCain: I am going to Iraq on Monday (CNN)Normally VIP visits to Iraq are kept under wraps, at least until the day of the trip. But Senator John McCain Friday night said he’s going to Iraq next week. Responding to a question in Chicago about whether the Iraq strategy… (photo from and…