Well friends, I just went on a Rant on another post in response to the comments there. It is important enough to repost here. 🙂 Enjoy: So, a court has told a biological mother that a another woman – who is neither the biological mother nor the adopted mother of the child has rights to…
Category: Kingdom Ideas – Worldview
Shocked and Dismayed
Neutral. That is what we want our government to be on “religion.” We don’t want our government to favor one religion over another. But what about values? Do you think that when the Founding Fathers made sure that the federal government would “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise…
Material Oppression by Taxes
From The Patriot Post: “If duties are too high, they lessen the consumption; the collection is eluded; and the product to the treasury is not so great as when they are confined within proper and moderate bounds. This forms a complete barrier against any material oppression of the citizens by taxes of this class, and…
The Compassion Forum
On April 20th* April 13th (Sunday) at 8:00pm (ET) Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will participate in a forum on faith and values at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. It will be broadcast live on CNN. John McCain has been invited as well but has so far declined. The event has been called The Compassion…
Global Warming Doomsday – Cancelled
This video is 44 minutes long and presents some though provoking ideas and information about the Human Caused Global Warming Myth: http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/CBC%20-%20Global%20Warming%20Doomsday%20Called%20Off.flv You can also watch this video at google video or youtube. Original Source: CBC Canada If you like this video, make sure you watch this one as well.
Alarmism Continues
At CNN.com: Scambos said the poles will be the leading edge of what’s happening in the rest of the world as global warming continues. “Even though they seem far away, changes in the polar regions could have an impact on both hemispheres, with sea level rise and changes in climate patterns,” he said. News of…
Property – an Unalienable Right
Here is a great quote from James Madison about the Unalienable Right to Property: PROPERTY . . . In the former sense, a man’s land, or merchandise, or money is called his property. In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them. He has a property…
More on God and Government
I find that people are afraid of the concept of getting our ideas from God’s Law in the Bible for use in our own Civil Government. Of course, the very same Biblical Law is one of the foundations of law in Western Civilization! In other words, we already did this as a society over hundreds…
Solar Power
I like to hear about people who are living out solutions! I just read about a giant building that seems to be a great manager of resources. It is being built in the new Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates via a project called “The Masdar Initiative.” Here is the article at Metaefficient.com: The…