I believe that the American People have made a tragic mistake in electing Barack Obama. I believe it is our duty as Christians to speak clearly and strongly in opposition to many of His positions over the next 4 years. I also know that God loves Barack Obama and his family, and they are going…
Tag: Barack Obama
ACLU Goes to Bat Against Prop. 8 in California
For those of you who doubt that the secular humanist agenda has been trying to force it’s values on an unsuspecting populace for years via Judicial Tyranny, consider this article at SFGATE.com: A day after California voters approved a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, the incendiary issue returned to the state Supreme Court, where…
The Californication of the ObamaNation
From AmericanVision.org: While most people think they were casting their vote on Tuesday for political reasons, they were actually voting for cultural reasons. Although election seasons always spawn heavy words and light action, rarely have both campaigns offered so very little policy and so very much empty rhetoric. It goes to show that every rule…
Obama Problem
From Citizenlink.org: Watch this video at citizenlink.org
Sadaam’s Nuclear Legacy
Old News (July), but interesting from msnbc.com: “The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.”
Letter from 2012 in Obama’s America
From Citizenlink.org: What will the United States be like if Senator Obama is elected? The most reliable way of predicting people’s future actions is by looking at their past actions. Jesus himself taught, “You will recognize them by their fruits†(Matthew 7:16). Anyone who has hired employees knows that – the best predictor of a…
I voted for John McCain
The following is a comment that I wrote on a friend’s blog including some of the reasons why I voted for John McCain and not a third party in this election: I voted for John McCain today. Out of faith and appropriate fear. My father, who was a construction worker who walked around on beams…
James Dobson Supports John McCain
(Source: http://www.citizenlink.org/clspecialalert/A000008329.cfm) —Transcript—
Is it Barack Obama’s place to be interfering with our government’s negotiations in Iraq while he is still only a candidate for President? I don’t know. Maybe he should wait to see if he actually wins. What would be the consequence of each Senator or Congressman conducting their own negotiations in open disagreement with our…
Debate Number 2
http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/2008presdebate2-1.flv Watch on youtube