Originally Published on April 7, 2008 Because Richard Dawkins says so! You can also watch this video where I got it – Youtube.com I apologize for the one “curse” word and the apparent “censored” words. This video is still worth laughing at!
Tag: Creation
The Darwinian Myth
I just saw a fascinating quote in a video that I am watching. The author of the quote is Sören Lövtrup, and it is taken from his book called Darwinism : The Refutation of a Myth. “I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science….
Is the theory of evolution just “dumb?”
Here is a response I posted to a bizarre comment I saw on CNN.com about Mike Huckabee. Response to “Everything Huckabee says or does became irrelevant the minute he raise his hand to signify he didn’t believe in evolution. America will not, and cannot, elect such a dunce.” What? You didn’t know that man did…
Eloquent Defense of “God Created” at Republican Debate
“The rest of the field was more or less forgettable, with the exception of Mike Huckabee and his response to the question about evolution. Huckabee took what could have been a difficult question for some and turned it into an eloquent defense of his belief in God which I suspect resonated with a great number…