Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee today announced additional endorsements from influential faith leaders across the country, augmenting a strong show of support he received Friday from Southern Baptist Convention leaders.
Tag: Elections
Values Voters Going for Huckabee?
With Evangelical Leaders going for various candidates are the masses of “values voters” themselves going for Huckabee?
Huckabee refuses to throw mud
Once again, Mike Huckabee shows the quality of his character and keeps things positive. When given the opportunity to fling dirt around he passed.
Ron Paul Thunders on
What do we do with Ron Paul? Some of what he says really resonates with me. Read this: My main concern about Ron Paul is that he would just yank us out of Iraq. Regardless of whether or not we should be there, I seriously question the wisdom of that. All of us have…
An endorsement of Mike Huckabee
I recommend that you read this endorsement of Mike Huckabee:
Mike Huckabee Surges Past Mitt Romney
I was surprised to read this article just now about Mike Huckabee. It is official, Mike Huckabee has passed Mitt Romney and is no longer considered a second tier candidate but a top tier candidate. Now I am really, really watching. Read the Article: This all interests me very much because Mike Huckabee was…
Mike Huckabee
Ok. I really have my eyes on Mike Huckabee for president. Here are a couple of articles about him rising in the polls. Huckabee outrunning his GOP companions Huckabee’s Bid for the Christian Right Some say he is not conservative enough on issues like taxes, although he does support the “Fair Tax.” I am personally…
Is Barack Obama a Christian?
Here is yet another comment I posted over at in response to an article about Barack Obama stating that Republicans don’t own “faith.” It does not matter what “faith” a person claims to be a part of. It matters what policies one advances. It matters what character a candidate lives. On Social and Moral…
Christian Nation?
I just posted this comment over at It always amazes me that anyone would question the historic Christian Heritage of the United States of America. Have all the behaviors of this nation been Christian? No. Have all of its citizens been professing Christians? No. Has the Christian Religion been the greatest single contributor to…
Humble Christian Government?
Here is another comment I just posted over at I don’t know if it will get put up or not. Here is the comment: Christians should humbly enter the ideas of Christian Freedom into the public debate. Christians should be willing to serve in government. These are good and right things.Christians should…