Wait a minute. I thought Iraq was supposed to be a disaster, an endless source of bad news. But what is this? Jim Brown OneNewsNow.com May 16, 2007 A veteran member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee who just returned from Iraq believes the war is being waged even more effectively than the top…
Tag: from_Jonsviews
George Bush is Doing a Good Thing?
Well, whadya know! Here are some folks who actually appreciate the Bush stand against the Kyoto Strategy. Hmmm… Bush administration praised for opposing Kyoto treaty (OneNewsNow.com) Chad Groening OneNewsNow.comMay 7, 2007 A public-policy think tank says the Bush administration is completely justified in ignoring the demands from European countries to ratify the Kyoto global warming…
The Next President
Who is going to win this next Presidential Election? Oh My! Poll: Liberals moving toward Clinton; GOP race tightens – CNN.com
Can a “conservative” care about the environment?
Newt Gingrich thinks so, and so do I! Check out the following article from HumanEvents.com: We Can Have Green Conservatism — And We Should by Newt Gingrich Posted: 04/23/2007 I had a debate a couple weeks ago with Sen. John Kerry — followed by a speech last week — about something called “green conservatism.” Some…
Global Warming Farce?
My brother sent me this video that debunks the whole Industrial Caused Global Warming thing. I have noticed a movement among Christians to be more “environmentalist.” I want to be wise with our environment, but I don’t buy all of the “science” that I hear. Watch this video and tell me what you think. http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/tggws.flv…
The Fair Tax, an Idea Who’s Time Has Come?
To celebrate tax day I thought I’d post some info I found online about a tax reformation proposal that is out there. What is the FairTax plan? The FairTax plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll based taxes with an integrated approach including a progressive national retail sales tax, a…
Is there hope for America?
For as long as I can remember there has been a generally negative attitude towards America in the world of Christians as I have known it. “Judgment is inevitable.” “America is not in the book of Revelation, therefore it must be going to be destroyed before those events take place.” “The problem with the church…
Mid-term elections 2006
Are you discouraged about the mid-term 2006 federal elections? Is this a sign of the end of America? Only if you believe our salvation is in a human political party! It is not! I believe that God had a plan when a group of desperate Pilgrims got on that boat, the Mayflower and floated to…