Tag: Homosexual Agenda
Covert False Righteousness
From TrueTolerance.org “If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.” This is a true statement. I am applying it right now to Biblical Worldview. If you don’t have a comprehensive Biblical Worldview you will be easily be deceived by the various ungodly agendas in the world. One of the most common forms of…
Rewriting God’s World
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.” Psalms 24:1 That includes all human beings. That includes our bodies. That includes our sexuality. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis…
Conservatives in D.C. Nowadays
http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/fau002-2009-01-15-1.flv View this video at Citizenlink.org
Dangerous Agenda
So, why would someone like me, who normally is not very interested in other people’s sexual behavior, take such a keen interest in the Homosexual Agenda? Is it because they are just wrong? Is it because God hates sin? Am I a homophobe? None of the above. I wouldn’t want anyone to be trapped in…
ThirstyJon’s Rant on Family
Well friends, I just went on a Rant on another post in response to the comments there. It is important enough to repost here. 🙂 Enjoy: So, a court has told a biological mother that a another woman – who is neither the biological mother nor the adopted mother of the child has rights to…
The Shadow Sexual Revolution – Legalizing Pedophilia
Duane Lester has written an article at allamericanblogger.com about the dangers of a movement towards the legalizing of pedophilia. I thought he did a pretty thorough job: The current movement to legalize and normalize pedophilia may seem unrealistic to some. I have yet to have someone agree with me when I claim that it will…
Child’s Rights to Marriage of His Parents
Dr. Pat Fagan explores the idea that children have a right to the marriage of their parents.
Federal Court Rules Against Christian Student
Citizenlink.org A federal district court judge in California has decided that statements about sexual orientation, if not “positive” in nature, can be restricted by public schools.