Did Barack Obama not know about Al-Qaeda in Iraq? Where has he been? From CNN.com: “I always reserve the right for the president … to make sure that we are looking out for American interests,” Obama said. “And if al Qaeda is forming a base in Iraq, then we will have to act in a…
Tag: News Commentary
From Crisis to Crisis – Climate Change
From TheHammondReport.com: 1954 – 1976 GLOBAL COOLING – There seems to be some overlap between these periods as the MSM moved back to Global Cooling. They predicted billions of people dying again. In 1970 the Washington Post told readers to “get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters – the worst may…
Global Warming? Or is it Cooling?
From NationalPost.com: And remember the Arctic Sea ice? The ice we were told so hysterically last fall had melted to its “lowest levels on record? Never mind that those records only date back as far as 1972 and that there is anthropological and geological evidence of much greater melts in the past. The ice is…
An Important Election Analysis from the Fredzone
The Fredzone: My opinion on the terror guys is that they need a hobby to keep them busy. If they had gotten legos when they were little they wouldn’t be trying to build bombs now.
Sunny Report From Iraq
CBN.com reports on the current situation in Iraq: “…despite recent attacks, U.S. and Iraqi officials point to encouraging signs that show violence in Iraq is on the decline. According to General Mike Milano, a top U.S. military official in Baghdad, there has been a 75-percent decrease in attacks in the Iraqi capital since June 2007…”
Doctors Advised Abortion; Baby Born Healthy
Citizenlink.org posted this inspiring story about an abortion that didn’t need to happen, and didn’t: ‘How many other babies are killed who would have turned out to be completely healthy?’ A Wales couple are enjoying their healthy 5-month-old son after they defied doctors’ recommendation to abort him. Before Brandon Kramer was born, doctors diagnosed him,…
The Day Socialism Comes to America
Joseph Farah Quotes Norman Thomas in his article at WorldNetDaily.com about socialism coming to America: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” — Norman…
The coming 1st Amendment crackdown – by Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah at WorldNetDaily.com: With the nation’s attention focused on the presidential election, it’s time for a warning of what is to come if Democrats retain control of both Houses of Congress in November. Prepare for a major assault on the 1st Amendment, perhaps the worst in American history. Harry Reid’s letter to Rush demanding…
Bob Lutz responds to Global Warming comments…
GM’s Design Czar personally responds to those who think GM is not “green”: It amazes me sometimes what kinds of things seem to “catch on” out there. An offhand comment I made recently about the concept of global warming seems to have a lot of people heated, and it’s spreading through the Internet like ragweed….
Huckabee Keeps at it in Texas
KPRC TV reports on Huckabee in Houston: “I think Texas has the chance to say something pretty loud,” Huckabee said. He told supporters at the Renaissance Hotel in southwest Houston that his conservative views are just what the country needs to get back on track. The former Arkansas governor said that he can still win,…