Neutral. That is what we want our government to be on “religion.” We don’t want our government to favor one religion over another. But what about values? Do you think that when the Founding Fathers made sure that the federal government would “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise…
Tag: News Commentary
American Heros
From Michael Yon of the Wall Street Journal: I may well have spent more time embedded with combat units in Iraq than any other journalist alive. I have seen this war – and our part in it – at its brutal worst. And I say the transformation over the last 14 months is little short…
Keep it Local
From The Patriot Post: “he States can best govern our home concerns and the general government our foreign ones. I wish, therefore…never to see all offices transferred to Washington, where, further withdrawn from the eyes of the people, they may more secretly be bought and sold at market.” — Thomas Jefferson (letter to Judge William…
The Compassion Forum
On April 20th* April 13th (Sunday) at 8:00pm (ET) Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will participate in a forum on faith and values at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. It will be broadcast live on CNN. John McCain has been invited as well but has so far declined. The event has been called The Compassion…
Planned Parenthood Rolling in Blood Money
From A record 289,650 preborn babies were killed at Planned Parenthood clinics in fiscal year 2006-07, an increase of nearly 25,000 from 2005-06. The nation’s largest abortion provider, which received $336 million in taxpayer money last year, is responsible for 25 percent of all abortions in the U.S. Jenn Giroux, president of Women…
McCain Confronts Irresponsible Calls to Pull Out of Iraq
From Watch this video and read the article at the source – If Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton get elected, I don’t believe that they will quickly pull American Troops out of Iraq. Either they already know better, or they very quickly will know better. They may oversee a gradual reduction,…
Alarmism Continues
At Scambos said the poles will be the leading edge of what’s happening in the rest of the world as global warming continues. “Even though they seem far away, changes in the polar regions could have an impact on both hemispheres, with sea level rise and changes in climate patterns,” he said. News of…
Not In Vain
I watched a couple hours of discussion on CSPAN yesterday including much analysis on why Our Nation must remain in Iraq. The discussion also included extensive thoughts on how much faster Iraq is reconciling politically then other nations in history. Northern Ireland was mentioned as an example. When I read my history book it seems…
Can We Vote for John McCain?
I know that I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. So the question remains, can I vote for John McCain? Will I be joining James Dobson and others in voting for a third party or withholding my vote completely? (Read More from James Dobson) I am still searching. From Like our mutual…
2008 Election Results Accidentally Released Early
Important Election Coverage here at From The Onion on Myspace