***Notice 3/23/2008*** I am currently investigating the facts referred to in the article linked to at theamericanscratchpad.blogspot.com. I have reason to believe that the numbers don’t even accurately reflect the report cited. You can investigate as well starting at: factcheck.org & about.com. Honestly, I cringe at the thought of analyzing America’s losses in Iraq…
Tag: News Commentary
Islam and Multi-Culturalism
Hat Tip to Fed Up for calling my attention to this video. Feel free to visit Fed Up’s blog: www.fedupamerica.blogspot.com Here is the video: P.S. I don’t know this guy Pat Condell, and I don’t know much about him. I do know this: I believe that we should be kind to Muslims and treat…
President Bush Defends Freedom of Speech
Citizenlink.org posted a story about President Bush defending free speech rights by opposing the “Fairness Doctrine.” I found the article interesting for two reasons. First, so many have tried to paint President Bush as “anti civil liberties.” Here is a great example of him defending a very important one. Second, I am so glad Al…
Israel in cross-hairs of summer war?
Brit intel says Iran preparing Hamas fighters March 12, 2008 By Gordon Thomas Reposted from the G2 Bulletin with permission – The G2 Bulletin is a subscription only news source. Hamas Rally LONDON – Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service says Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are training hundreds of Hamas fighters to prepare for an all-out war this…
Mike Huckabee Update
I am not sure what the future holds for Mike Huckabee but he has now been thrust into the national eye and has an opportunity to be an influential leader in the grassroots realm. I will be watching where he goes with things, whether or not he runs for office of any kind again, and…
Ford Bends – AFA Boycott is Over
The Ford Boycott is Over! You can read about it at worldnetdaily.com: In the face of plummeting car sales, Ford Motor Company has taken steps to reduce its aggressive, pro-homosexual policies, prompting a family-rights group to call off its boycott of the carmaker. The American Family Association says it’s suspending its two-year boycott of Ford,…
Planned Parenthood Accused of Fraud
From FRC.org: The latest victim of Planned Parenthood’s thieving appears to be none other than the California government. A former Vice President of Finance for the L.A. affiliate, P. Victor Gonzales, has filed a whistleblower suit in federal court, claiming that Planned Parenthood committed years of fraudulent overbilling against government-funded programs.
Ron Paul to End Active Campaigning
Well, I am back in the USA! I feel closer to what is going on with the upcoming presidential election. I never had time to write about Huckabee pulling out of the race. I just read that Ron Paul pulled out – although if you watch the video on my post here you will see…
Planned Parenthood and Racist Money
From FRC.org: Representatives for Planned Parenthood are scrambling to explain how seven of its branches were caught on tape agreeing to accept bigotry-inspired donations. When recordings of the undercover investigation were released this week, spokesmen from Idaho to Ohio desperately tried to explain away the incidents. Rebecca Poedy, the executive director of Planned Parenthood Idaho,…
Obama and Abortion
Reason #1 why I cannot vote for Barack Obama to be President of the United States — He believes that the murder of unborn children should be legal. The next president is likely to be appointing one or more Supreme Court Justices. I cannot vote for someone who will continue to put the lives of…