Hat Tip: http://didntbuildthat.com/post/27432348080/no-obama-no-ninth-symphony Source: http://www.bloodhoundblog.com
Tag: Politics
Are Obama’s plans to help the economy working? “Obamanomics, also known as the New Deal, also known as Keynesian economics, is once again shown to be a failure. You can accept the theory floated by the apologists of John Maynard Keynes, that we just didn’t spend enough money, or you can accept that taking money…
Bull About Bullying
Thomas Sowell. Refreshing Clarity. I had a good chuckle over this article. Especially the part about “the grand make-believe that pervades our politics.” 🙂 From HumanEvents.com: “President Barack Obama has joined the chorus of those deploring bullying. But his own administration is pushing the notion that a disproportionate number of suspensions or other punishments for…
From Patriotpost.us: “Those on the left equate the acts of individual madmen like Timothy McVeigh and Jared Loughner with Islamic terrorism, and by trying to connect such ogres to Christianity or the Tea Party, they pretend that America and the world have as much to fear from adherents of Jesus Christ and Michele Bachman as…
The Death Penalty Values Human Life
Illinois recently abolished the death penalty. I posted a comment about that on one off my Facebook friend’s wall about how this action devalued human life. He asked me what I meant and I wrote the following comment which I hope will be useful to you: In Genesis there is a description of an increase…
State Nullification
From WND.com: According to the Tenth Amendment Center, which advocates a return to the constitutionally delegated powers for the federal government, Thomas Jefferson advised, “Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers … a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.” A multitude of nullification acts already are in the works across the nation on…
The Tyranny of High Taxes
From CNN.com: “‘Giving $700 billion to the wealthiest people in America … does not create jobs,’ said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California. There must be a ‘tax cut for middle-income people in this country. … That is what we send to the (negotiating) table.’” So… Why would the current congress pass this bill in…
Roland Martin Thinks the Federal Government can Fix Obesity in America
I just read an article by Roland Martin at CNN.com. He is ripping on Sarah Palin because she was pointing out the error of thinking that the federal government is the answer to obesity in America. Roland Martin does not get it. Here is a bit from the article: “It’s clear that we can’t go…
Shiva Statue From FoxNews.com: “Newsweek’s depiction of President Obama on its latest cover has irked some Indian Americans who, fresh off Obama’s visit to the world’s largest democracy, are not happy with the image of the U.S. president as the Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. “The Newsweek cover shows Obama with several arms carrying policy issues…
The Nastiest Election Ever? Really?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_zTN4BXvYI If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: http://freedomthirst.com/attack-ads-circa-1800/