Rage Without Knowledge – The Trayvon Martin Shooting
It’s always amazing to see people marching in the streets with confidence for a cause when they do not have all of the facts yet. The world has come unglued over the awful death of Trayvon Martin via the gun of George Zimmerman. And it seems that the world already knows that Zimmerman is a…
The Road We Are Traveling – Glen Beck Video
Glen Beck on how America has been fundamentally changed: (and not for the better) Part 1: NO LONGER AVAILABLE Your browser does not support iframes. Part 2: NO LONGER AVAILABLE Your browser does not support iframes.
Does it Really Take a Village to Raise a Child?
From WorldviewTruth.com: (There is also a good video about the Domenic Johanssen abduction story at the top of the article.) Who carries the responsibility, privilege, and authority to raise children? The Collective in the form of the State? The Church? The Family? As you can see through the Johansson story – ideas have consequences! If…
Flee Sweden if You Love Freedom
From WorldnetDaily: “All children in Sweden have the right to education on the same terms and high quality instruction, and we find that compulsory schooling is a way to guarantee that this right is fulfilled for all children,†Hafstrom said. “Under Swedish law, school instruction must be comprehensive and objective. The government does not find…
No Room for Sitting on the Fence
–By Guest Blogger Ben Gilmore: Nero fiddled while Rome burned. It is so easy to get caught up in trivia and miss focusing upon the critical thing(s). If we go into hyper-inflation and trucks and trains no longer deliver goods, we won’t even be able to buy condoms! The critical focus of the current issue…
Natural Rights and the Patriot Act – Judge Andrew Napolitano
This is a 3 video playlist. Total play time: Just over 26 minutes. Direct Link to this playlist on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0527562FE985C98E
A Chevy Volt for President Obama
So what do you say, can we get President Obama into a Chevy volt in early 2013?
The Obama Eligibility Issue
Some people think it is a distraction. Others treat it like a discussion about big foot or the lochness monster. I’m talking about Obama’s eligibility to be President under the Constitution. Is he indeed a natural born citizen? If those who have made an issue of this don’t believe their own concerns and are doing…