From A record 289,650 preborn babies were killed at Planned Parenthood clinics in fiscal year 2006-07, an increase of nearly 25,000 from 2005-06. The nation’s largest abortion provider, which received $336 million in taxpayer money last year, is responsible for 25 percent of all abortions in the U.S. Jenn Giroux, president of Women…
Tag: Abortion
Planned Parenthood Accused of Fraud
From The latest victim of Planned Parenthood’s thieving appears to be none other than the California government. A former Vice President of Finance for the L.A. affiliate, P. Victor Gonzales, has filed a whistleblower suit in federal court, claiming that Planned Parenthood committed years of fraudulent overbilling against government-funded programs.
Planned Parenthood and Racist Money
From Representatives for Planned Parenthood are scrambling to explain how seven of its branches were caught on tape agreeing to accept bigotry-inspired donations. When recordings of the undercover investigation were released this week, spokesmen from Idaho to Ohio desperately tried to explain away the incidents. Rebecca Poedy, the executive director of Planned Parenthood Idaho,…
Obama and Abortion
Reason #1 why I cannot vote for Barack Obama to be President of the United States — He believes that the murder of unborn children should be legal. The next president is likely to be appointing one or more Supreme Court Justices. I cannot vote for someone who will continue to put the lives of…
Doctors Advised Abortion; Baby Born Healthy posted this inspiring story about an abortion that didn’t need to happen, and didn’t: ‘How many other babies are killed who would have turned out to be completely healthy?’ A Wales couple are enjoying their healthy 5-month-old son after they defied doctors’ recommendation to abort him. Before Brandon Kramer was born, doctors diagnosed him,…
Forced Abortion in China
A Chinese woman who was forced to have an abortion despite being nine months pregnant is suing the authorities for their actions. “Mrs Jin said: ‘I got on my knees and begged them after they took me to the clinic and said I wanted to give birth to my daughter. I had already named her…
Romney Speaks for Himself on Abortion
You can hear Mitt Romney speak for himself on abortion and other issues:
Judicial Nominations – Huckabee or Romney?
You and I know the importance of the judge issue. As Senator Jeff Sessions once told me, “Nobody polls on it, but its what everyone wants to talk about.” We need to make sure that Republican president understands this issue without wavering and without any populist tendencies. Mitt Romney is not that man, I believe…
George W. Bush Delighted in Scientific Progress with Stem Cell Research
A recent White House Press Release shows excitement about Stem Cell Research Progress done without the destroying of Human Embryos. Thank God we have a President who stood up and did what was right about Stem Cell Research, and now this has been an incentive to promote the success of alternative research!
The Pro-Life Movement Continues
Is the Pro-Life Movement alive and well in the U.S.A.? There is a movement calling themselves “Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust.” Read about them at their website and tell me what you think!