If you really believe before God that Mitt Romney is an acceptable candidate and that in spite of his flaws his election would be a temporary respite to the slide of America into whatever it is slide into – then go out on election day and vote for him. I am serious. Go vote for…
Tag: Mitt Romney
Should a Christian Vote for a Mormon?
Here is a video from the folks at Forerunner.com: So what do you think, should we as Christians vote for a Mormon over Barack Obama if Mitt Romney is the Republican Nominee? Your thoughts?
Romney – Not the Best Guy for Ending Obamacare
From BigGovernment.com: “The former Governor of Massachusetts and semi-declared candidate for President, Mr. Romney, has the Massachusetts health care ‘solution’ called now ‘RomneyCare’ (a plan upon which the widely unpopular ‘Obama Care’ plan is based) to discuss with the American people. For some on the Left this provides Mr. Romney with a strong gravitas, but…
An Important Election Analysis from the Fredzone
The Fredzone: My opinion on the terror guys is that they need a hobby to keep them busy. If they had gotten legos when they were little they wouldn’t be trying to build bombs now.
Still Going
From CNN.com: Huckabee says he realizes the numbers are against him — Romney won 286 delegates, and Huckabee has won 217. Add Romney’s delegates to McCain’s, and it gives the Arizona senator a 899-delegate lead and puts him 75 away from the number needed to be the nominee. But Huckabee said you can’t assume that…
Mike Huckabee Rolls On!
While Mitt Romney drops out Mike Huckabee carrys on. “As a true authentic, consistent, conservative, I have a vision to bring hope, opportunity and prosperity to all Americans, and I’d like to ask for and welcome the support of those who had previously been committed to Mitt,” Huckabee said in a statement.
Romney is Out!
“If this were only about me, I’d go on. But it’s never been only about me. I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America, in this time of war I feel I have to now stand aside for our party and for our country.”
It’s not over until it’s over!
Giuliani will definitely win. No, wait, it is Mitt Romney for sure. Or, no, wait a minute. Huckabee is #1 in the nation! Oh oh oh! John McCain will win for real this time. Nope folks, It ain’t over until it’s over. Any of these three guys could win. Don’t give up on your candidate!…
Mitt Romney and Same-Sex Marriage
I just read an article by Alan Keyes about Mitt Romney and Same-Sex Marriage. What do you think? “Mitt Romney is single-handedly responsible for instituting same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.” That’s the view of Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes, who lobbied against the state’s adoption of same-sex marriage when it was imminent in 2004. I personally…
Romney Speaks for Himself on Abortion
You can hear Mitt Romney speak for himself on abortion and other issues: