I just read a discussion over at blogcatalog about “condoms vs. abstinence” for the prevention of STDs. Which is better? The Question posed: Suppose you were in charge of a health program to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by promoting condom usage or abstinence, which would you choose? My response: I would set…
Tag: Sexuality
Freedom of Conscience vs. “Gay Rights”
So. Have you heard anyone say “don’t be ridiculous, gay relationships are no threat to you, all that stuff is just ‘fearmongering’?” I personally don’t feel even a little threatened by people living a homosexual lifestyle. My concern is the attempt to FORCE others to approve. You don’t believe that could happen? Well, it is…
From Citizenlink.org: http://freedomthirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/isgayinnate-1.flv Watch this video at Citizenlink.org Read the Transcript
ACLU Goes to Bat Against Prop. 8 in California
For those of you who doubt that the secular humanist agenda has been trying to force it’s values on an unsuspecting populace for years via Judicial Tyranny, consider this article at SFGATE.com: A day after California voters approved a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, the incendiary issue returned to the state Supreme Court, where…
The Shadow Sexual Revolution – Legalizing Pedophilia
Duane Lester has written an article at allamericanblogger.com about the dangers of a movement towards the legalizing of pedophilia. I thought he did a pretty thorough job: The current movement to legalize and normalize pedophilia may seem unrealistic to some. I have yet to have someone agree with me when I claim that it will…
Scary Thought Police
Here is a rather scary article about a University trying to teach their students “diversity.” http://pajamasmedia.com/2007/11/critically_thinking_approved_t.php I invite parents to think and investigate before sending their children to America’s universities!
Is Barack Obama a Christian?
Here is yet another comment I posted over at CNN.com in response to an article about Barack Obama stating that Republicans don’t own “faith.” It does not matter what “faith” a person claims to be a part of. It matters what policies one advances. It matters what character a candidate lives. On Social and Moral…
Let the little children come to Jesus
I sent a myspace message to a friend of mine and she said I should post it, so here it is! (Slightly modified for a public forum) 🙂 While channel surfing the other day, I happened to flip to a channel covering a beauty pageant. I happened to show up when some girl was aggressively…