If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: Hat tip to Matthew Burke at The Freedom Post where I first saw this video.
Tag: Liberty
So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt…
I remember the old Keith Green song “so you wanna go back to Egypt, where it’s dry and secure….” The children of Israel were marching across the desert to meet their destiny in a new land. They had left their slave master Egyptians behind. When times got hard, they forgot about the horrors of their…
Tea Parties? If the Youtube Video is not working watch here: I haven’t been a participant in the Tea Party Movement, although I’ve watched it from a distance with some curiosity. I figure anything that can stir up so much ire from the more liberal thinking crowd must be doing something right. The one thing…
Is God Into Tyranny?
Originally Published on April 10, 2007: One man ruling all others is an invention of men. It does not come from God. In I Samuel 8:1ff the Israelites realize that Samuel is getting old. They tell Samuel that they want a king. Examine God’s response to their request. 1. God equates their request for a…
The Bank Problem has a great quote from Thomas Jefferson up as it’s “quote of the day.” “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that…
Will We Back Them?
I just heard a news report that President Bush has “demanded” that Russia ceases it’s attack against Georgia, a sovereign democracy. But will we back that demand? My understanding is that Georgia has reformed their government, attracted international investment, been a loyal U.S. ally in Iraq (fighting along side of us!), aspired to join NATO,…
Institutions of Freedom
I just read an outstanding article by Alan Keyes at Contemporary politicians lack the knowledge and ability to conceive of, much less understand and defend, the social institutions characteristic of liberty. They talk about the marriage issue as if it is just a matter of sexual or religious preferences. They typically treat the concern…
Is God into Tyranny?
One man ruling all others is an invention of men. It does not come from God. In I Samuel 8 the Israelites realize that Samuel is getting old. They tell Samuel that they want a king. Examine God’s response to their request. 1. God equates their request for a human king as rejecting Him as…
Freedom Thirst
What does it mean to be free? And how does it relate to “submission to authority?” So many of the men of God that I have known really emphasize “submission” to authority. When I was younger, I really embraced this. I remember the day my life became “You say jump, and I will say ‘how…