Well, it is probably not a new concern for everyone, but I am just now learning about it. It is new to me. It is called the Law of the Sea Treat (LOST?). I have begun to pay attention. Is this another threat to American Sovereignty? (As well as the sovereignty of other nations?) Read…
Tag: News Commentary
Is Barack Obama a Christian?
Here is yet another comment I posted over at CNN.com in response to an article about Barack Obama stating that Republicans don’t own “faith.” It does not matter what “faith” a person claims to be a part of. It matters what policies one advances. It matters what character a candidate lives. On Social and Moral…
What Consensus on Global Warming?
Here is an interesting article about global warming that does a couple of things: 1) It asks if global warming is really caused by humans. 2) It asks if global warming is actually even harmful to humans. This article at earthtimes.org even suggests that global warming has been historically beneficial to humans! (Article Continued…
Did America Create Bin-Laden?
Here is a great article about Bin-Laden, General Petraeus’s report, and other stuff: But there is one group that is under no inclination to nod to reality: al-Qaida. The jihadis’ mission, as always, is to create a new reality. Article is by Jonah Goldberg and this quote from the article is…
Of Mosques and Churches
Welcome to Freedomthirst.com’s first Guest Blog. Our first “guest blogger” is Ben! It has not been edited at all, accept to add a couple of pictures. The thoughts are entirely those of the author, and don’t necessarily reflect the opinion of Freedomthirst.com, and the quote of Ronald Reagan is part of Ben’s post. Having said…
Humble Christian Government?
Here is another comment I just posted over at CNN.com. I don’t know if it will get put up or not. Here is the comment: Christians should humbly enter the ideas of Christian Freedom into the public debate. Christians should be willing to serve in government. These are good and right things.Christians should…
The Danger of Cynicism
I still remember Rush Limbaugh and “America Held Hostage.” I’ll admit it, I laughed at some of his “entertainment.” It was nice to hear a conservative voice in the midst of the chaos. But I was concerned. I was concerned then, and I’m concerned now. About what? Cynicism. Negativity. Stereotyping “liberals.” I thought…
Have the “Hate Bush” people stopped listening?
I just posted the following comment on CNN.com: I think this quote from a previous comment shows something very clearly: “‘I just want to close my eyes and ears until he is out of office.’ Posted By Jared … : September 6, 2007 6:43 pm” It seems that some folks need this war to fail….
Let the little children come to Jesus
I sent a myspace message to a friend of mine and she said I should post it, so here it is! (Slightly modified for a public forum) 🙂 While channel surfing the other day, I happened to flip to a channel covering a beauty pageant. I happened to show up when some girl was aggressively…
Love Believes all Things
Senator Craig is really going through it right now. He is going through public humiliation and he is being pressured to resign. Read an article about him on CNN and listen to him argue with the officer who arrested him at: http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/30/craig.arrest/index.html (article continues below) I made a comment on the site. I don’t know…